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Version: v1

Migration Guide

If you're currently using the v1 of DynamoDB-Toolbox, here are the changes you need to be aware of when migrating to the v2.

Rework of the entity attribute

The entityAttributeName and entityAttributeHidden settings have been merged into a single entityAttribute setting, similar to the timestamp attributes:

import { Entity } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
- entityAttributeName: '__entity__',
- entityAttributeHidden: false,
+ entityAttribute: {
+ name: '__entity__',
+ hidden: false
+ },

The internal entity attribute can now be disabled by setting entityAttribute to false:

import { Entity } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
entityAttribute: false,

This change makes migrating to DynamoDB-Toolbox easier, especially when using multiple tables (i.e., one Entity per Table), where the entity attribute is often unnecessary.

If you use the Single Table Design approach, we still strongly recommend using the entity attribute, as it improves performance and enables entity-based filtering when fetching items from multiple entities within the same Table.

Indeed, in queries and scans, the behavior regarding Entities has changed as follows:

  • If all Entities use the internal entity attribute, a Filter Expression is applied based on it.
  • If at least one Entity does not use the internal entity attribute, or if entityAttrFilter is set to false, no Filter Expression is applied. In this case:
    • Entity-based filtering is denied if more than two Entities are provided.
    • Returned items that lack the internal entity attribute are formatted by all Entities in order until formatting succeeds, which can lead to decreased performance.
    • If a returned item cannot be formatted by any Entity, DynamoDB-Toolbox raises an error. This behavior can be modified by setting the noEntityMatchBehavior option to 'DISCARD':
const { Items } = await
.entities(PokemonEntity, TrainerEntity)
.query({ partition: 'ashKetchum' })
entityAttrFilter: false,
noEntityMatchBehavior: 'DISCARD'

This update provides greater flexibility while maintaining performance optimizations when needed.

Rework of Schemas

In v1, schemas existed in one of two states: Warm for building/composition time and Frozen for usage.

import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/attributes/string'

const warmStrSchema = string()
const frozenStrSchema = warmStrSchema.freeze()

const parsed =

This additional step made schema syntax cumbersome, so in v2, the freezing step has been removed:

// v2 🙌 `string` is directly a "schema"
import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/string'

const parsed = string().build(Parser).parse(input)

The attr and attr shorthands have been renamed to schema and s, and the original schema declaration has been renamed to item. It is now just another type of schema:

import { item } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/item'
import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/string'

const pokemonSchema = item({
name: string()

// ...or 👇
import { s } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema'

const pokemonSchema = s.item({
name: s.string()

Actually, you don't really need to use item schemas as map schemas now have the .pick, .omit and .and methods and can be used within the Entity constructor:

import { map } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/map'
import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/string'
import { number } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/number'
import { Entity } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const pokemonSchema = map({
name: string(),
level: number(),

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
// 👇 Creates an `item` schema w. the same attributes + internal attributes
schema: pokemonSchema,

You can still inspect a schema's properties at runtime and through its types via the props attribute:

const hiddenStr = string().hidden()
const isHidden = hiddenStr.props.hidden // => true

Previously, calling .freeze() validated the schema. In v2, validation is now done using the check method (which is also called in the Entity constructor):

const stringWithDefault = string().default('foo')
const invalidSchema = list(stringWithDefault)

// ❌ List elements cannot have defaults

Hopefully, this makes it easier to build and re-use schemas accross your codebase.

Rework of record

Record schemas now properly translate to the Record type in TS:

import { record } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/record'
import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/string'
import { number } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/number'
import { Parser } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/actions/parse'

const rec = record(string(), number())
const parsed =
// => Record<string, number>

In particular, if the key schema is a string enum, the parsing expects an element to be present for all enum values:

const rec = record(string().enum('foo', 'bar'), number())

// ❌ Raises an error as 'bar' is missing{ foo: 42 })

You can change this behavior with the partial property:

const rec = record(...).partial()

// ✅ Succeeds{ foo: 42 })


Entity and Table names

The name property of Entity and Table instances have been renamed to entityName and tableName:

- const entityName =
+ const entityName = PokemonEntity.entityName

- const tableName =
+ const tableName = PokeTable.tableName


Transformers' parse and format properties have been renamed to encode and decode for clarity:

const prefix = {
- parse: (input: string) => [PREFIX, input].join(''),
+ encode: (input: string) => [PREFIX, input].join(''),
- format: (saved: string) => saved.slice(PREFIX.length),
+ decode: (saved: string) => saved.slice(PREFIX.length),

const prefixedStrSchema = string().transform(prefix)

Similarly, the ReadValue and ReadItem types have been renamed to DecodedValue and DecodedItem:

- type ReadPokemonItem = ReadItem<typeof PokemonEntity>
+ type DecodedPokemonItem = DecodedItem<typeof PokemonEntity>

- type ReadPokemonValue = ReadValue<typeof pokemonSchema>
+ type DecodedPokemonValue = DecodedValue<typeof pokemonSchema>