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Entities represent a category of items in your Table.

An entity must belong to a Table, but a Table can contain items from several entities. DynamoDB-Toolbox is designed with Single Tables in mind, but works just as well with multiple tables and still makes your life much easier (e.g. for batch operations or transactions):

import { Entity } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity';
import { schema } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema';

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
name: 'POKEMON',
table: PokeTable,
schema: schema(...)


Entity takes a single parameter of type object that accepts the following properties:



A string that uniquely identifies your entity:

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
name: 'POKEMON',

DynamoDB-Toolbox automatically tags your items with their respective entity names (see Internal Attributes).

☝️ The consequence is that name cannot be updated once your Entity has its first items* (at least not without a data migration first), so choose wisely!

(* This tag is required for some features to work, so you also have to add it if you migrate existing data to DynamoDB-Toolbox.)



The schema of the Entity. See the Schema Section for more details on how to define schemas.



The Table of the Entity.

DynamoDB-Toolbox must check that an entity schema matches its Table primary key somehow. In simple cases, both schemas can simply fit:

const PokeTable = new Table({
partitionKey: { name: 'pk', type: 'string' },
sortKey: { name: 'sk', type: 'number' },

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
table: PokeTable,
schema: schema({
pk: string().key(),
sk: number().key(),


(potentially required, depending on schema)

...but using schemas that don't fit is OK.

In this case, the Entity constructor requires a computeKey function to derive the primary key from the Entity key attributes.

This can be useful for more complex cases like mapping several attributes to the same key:

const PokemonEntity = new Entity({
table: PokeTable,
schema: schema({
pokemonId: string().key(),
level: number().key(),
// 🙌 Types are correctly inferred!
computeKey: ({ pokemonId, level }) => ({
pk: pokemonId,
sk: level


A string to customize the name of the internal entity attribute (see Internal Attributes).


A boolean or object to customize the internal created and modified attributes (see Internal Attributes).