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Error Management

When DynamoDB-Toolbox encounters an unexpected input, it throws an instance of DynamoDBToolboxError, which itself extends the native Error class with a code property:

await PokemonEntity
.item({ ..., level: 'not a number' })
// ❌ [parsing.invalidAttributeInput] Attribute 'level' should be a number

Some DynamoDBToolboxErrors also expose a path property (mostly in validations) and/or a payload property for additional context.

If you need to handle them, TypeScript is your best friend, as the code property correctly discriminates the DynamoDBToolboxError type:

import { DynamoDBToolboxError } from 'dynamodb-toolbox';

const handleError = (error: Error) => {
if (!error instanceof DynamoDBToolboxError) throw error;

switch (error.code) {
case 'parsing.invalidAttributeInput':
const path = error.path;
// => "level"
const payload = error.payload;
// => { received: "not a number", expected: "number" }
case 'entity.invalidItemSchema':
const path = error.path; // ❌ error does not have path property
const payload = error.payload; // ❌ same goes with payload