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Version: v1


Given a transformed item, validates that it respects the schema of the Entity, applies transformations backward and hide hidden attributes:

import { EntityFormatter } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/format'

const formattedPikachu =

In DynamoDB-Toolbox, formatting is done in 2 steps:

Note that:

  • Additional and hidden fields are omitted, but inputs are not mutated
  • The formatting throws an error if the saved item is invalid
  • Transformations (i.e. savedAs and transforms) are applied backward

This action is mostly a wrapper around the schema Formatter action, so we highly recommend you read its dedicated documentation first.



(savedItem: unknown, options?: FormatItemOptions) => FormattedItem<ENTITY>

Formats a saved item:

const formattedItem =

You can provide formatting options as a second argument. Available options:

transformbooleantrueWhether to transform back the input (with savedAs and transform) prior to formatting or not.
partialbooleanfalseAllow every attribute (flat or deep) to be optional while formatting.
attributesPath<Entity>[]-To specify a list of attributes to format (other attributes are omitted).

See the PathParser action for more details on how to write attribute paths.
const saved = {
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',

// 🙌 Typed as `DeepPartial<Pokemon>`
const formatted = PokemonEntity
.format(saved, { partial: true })

You can use the FormattedItem type to explicitly type an object as a formatting output object:

import type { FormattedItem } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const formattedItem: FormattedItem<
typeof PokemonEntity,
// 👇 Optional options
{ partial: false; attributes: 'name' | 'level' }
// ❌ Throws a type error
> = { invalid: 'output' }