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Projection Expressions

DynamoDB supports Projection Expressions that allow you to selectively return attributes when using the get, query or scan operations.

The DynamoDB Toolbox provides a Projection Builder that allows you to generate ProjectionExpressions that automatically generates ExpressionAttributeNames as placeholders to avoid reservered word collisions. The library allows you to work with both table attribute names and Entity aliases to specify projections.

Read operations that provide an attributes property accept an array of attribute names and/or objects that specify the Entity as the key with an array of attributes and aliases.

Retrieve the pk,sk,name and created attributes for all items:

// ...,
{ attributes: ['pk', 'sk', 'name', 'created'] }

Retrieve the user_id,status, and created attributes for the User entity:

// ...,
attributes: [{ User: ['user_id', 'status', 'created'] }]

Retrieve the pk, sk, and type attributes for all items, the user_id for the User entity, and the status and created attributes for the the Order entity:

// ...
attributes: [
{ User: ['user_id'] },
{ Order: ['status', 'created'] }

When using the get method of an entity, the "entity" is assumed for the attributes. This lets you specify attributes and aliases without needing to use the object reference.

NOTE: When specifying entities in query and scan operations, it's possible that shared attributes will retrieve data for other matching entity types. However, the library attempts to return only the attributes specified for each entity when parsing the response.