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Version: v2


Builds a Data Transfer Object of the Entity.

A DTO is a JSON-stringifiable object representing the Entity that can be transferred or saved for later use:

import { EntityDTO } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/dto'

const pokemonEntityDTO =

const pokemonEntityJSON = JSON.stringify(pokemonEntityDTO)

On DTO retrieval, you can use the fromDTO util to re-create the original Entity:

import { fromDTO } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/fromDTO'

const pokemonEntityDTO = JSON.parse(pokemonEntityJSON)

// 👇 Has a similar configuration to the original
const PokemonEntity = fromDTO(pokemonEntityDTO)

All TS types are lost in the process.


Note that functions are not serializable so, if present, the computeKey function is lost in the process: We recommend using links instead.

For the same reason, parts of the Entity schema may be lost in the process. See SchemaDTO for more details.