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Given an input of any type and a mode, validates that it respects the schema of the Entity and applies transformations:

import { EntityParser } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/parse'

const {
// 👇 Parsed item + Primary key
} =

The default mode is put, but you can switch it to update or key if needed:

const parsed =
// Additional options
{ mode: 'key' }

In DynamoDB-Toolbox, parsing is done in 4 steps:

Note that:

  • Additional fields are omitted, but inputs are not mutated
  • The mode defaults and links are applied
  • Transformations (i.e. savedAs and transforms) are applied

The Table primary key is derived from the validated input by applying computeKey if it exists, or extracted from the transformed input otherwise.


This action is mostly a wrapper around the SchemaParser action, so we highly recommend you read its dedicated documentation first.



(input: unknown, options?: ParseItemOptions) => TransformedItem<ENTITY>

Parses an input of any type:

const parsed =

You can provide parsing options as a second argument. Available options:

fillbooleantrueWhether to complete the input (with defaults and links) prior to validation or not.
modeput, key or updateputThe mode of the parsing: Impacts which default and link should be used, as well as requiredness during validation.
parseExtension(internal)-Dependency injection required to parse extended syntax ($get, $add etc.) when using the update mode (check example below).
const pokemon = {
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
types: ['Electric'],

const parsed =

You can use the TransformedItem generic type to explicitly type an object as a parsing output object:

import type { TransformedItem } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const transformedItem: TransformedItem<
typeof PokemonEntity,
// 👇 Optional options
{ mode: 'key' }
// ❌ Throws a type error
> = { invalid: 'input' }

Note that the SavedItem generic is actually based on it:

import type { SavedItem } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/parse'

const savedItem: SavedItem<typeof PokemonEntity> = {
pokemonId: '123'


(input: InputItem<ENTITY>, options?: ParseItemOptions) => TransformedItem<ENTITY>

Similar to .parse, but with the input correctly typed (taking the mode into account) instead of unknown:
// ❌ Throws a type error
.reparse({ invalid: 'input' })

You can use the InputItem generic type (or ValidItem if fill is set to false) to explicitly type an object as a parsing input object:

import type { InputItem } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const input: InputItem<
typeof PokemonEntity,
// 👇 Optional options
{ mode: 'key' }
// ❌ Throws a type error
> = { invalid: 'input' }

Note that the KeyInputItem generic is actually based on it:

import type { KeyInputItem } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity'

const keyInput: KeyInputItem<typeof PokemonEntity> = {
pokemonId: 'pikachu1'