Performs a PutItem Operation on an entity item:
import { PutItemCommand } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/put'
const putItemCommand = PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
const params = putItemCommand.params()
await putItemCommand.send()
The item to write:
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50,
You can use the PutItemInput
type to explicitly type an object as a PutItemCommand
item object:
import type { PutItemInput } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/put'
const item: PutItemInput<typeof PokemonEntity> = {
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand).item(item).send()
Provides additional options:
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
returnValues: 'ALL_OLD',
capacity: 'TOTAL',
You can use the PutItemOptions
type to explicitly type an object as a PutItemCommand
options object:
import type { PutItemOptions } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/put'
const options: PutItemOptions<typeof PokemonEntity> = {
returnValues: 'ALL_OLD',
capacity: 'TOTAL',
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
Available options (see the DynamoDB documentation for more details):
Option | Type | Default | Description |
condition | Condition<typeof PokemonEntity> | - | A condition that must be satisfied in order for the PutItemCommand to succeed.See the ConditionParser action for more details on how to write conditions. |
returnValues | ReturnValuesOption | "NONE" | To get the item attributes as they appeared before they were updated with the request. Possible values are "NONE" and "ALL_OLD" . |
returnValuesOn | ReturnValuesOption | "NONE" | To get the item attributes if the condition fails.Possible values are "NONE" and "ALL_OLD" . |
metrics | MetricsOption | "NONE" | Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. Possible values are "NONE" and "SIZE" . |
capacity | CapacityOption | "NONE" | Determines the level of detail about provisioned or on-demand throughput consumption that is returned in the response. Possible values are "NONE" , "TOTAL" and "INDEXES" . |
tableName | string | - | Overrides the Table name. Mostly useful for multitenancy. |
- Basic
- Conditional
- Return values
- Multitenant
- Aborted
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50
// π Checks that item didn't previously exist
condition: { attr: 'pokemonId', exists: false },
// π Includes the Item in the error if so
returnValuesOnConditionFalse: 'ALL_OLD'
const { Attributes: prevPikachu } =
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50
.options({ returnValues: 'ALL_OLD' })
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50
.options({ tableName: `tenant-${tenantId}-pokemons` })
const abortController = new AbortController()
const abortSignal = abortController.signal
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
pokemonId: 'pikachu1',
name: 'Pikachu',
pokeType: 'electric',
level: 50
.send({ abortSignal })
// π Aborts the command
The data is returned using the same response syntax as the DynamoDB PutItem API, with an additional ToolboxItem
property, which allows you to retrieve the item generated by DynamoDB-Toolbox:
const { ToolboxItem: generatedPokemon } =
await PokemonEntity.build(PutItemCommand)
// π Great for auto-generated attributes
const createdTimestamp = generatedPokemon.created
If present, the returned item is formatted by the Entity.
You can use the PutItemResponse
type to explicitly type an object as a PutItemCommand
response object:
import type { PutItemResponse } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/entity/actions/put'
const response: PutItemResponse<
typeof PokemonEntity,
// π Optional options
{ returnValues: 'ALL_OLD' }
// π Typed as PokemonΒ | undefined
> = { Attributes: ... }