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Version: v2


Describes list values, containing elements of any type:

import { list } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/list';
import { string } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/string';

const pokeTypeSchema = string().enum('fire', ...)
const pokemonTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema)

type PokemonType = FormattedValue<typeof pokemonTypesSchema>;
// => ('fire' | ...)[]

List elements must respect some constraints:

  • They cannot be optional or always required
  • They cannot be hidden or key (tagging the list itself as key is enough)
  • They cannot have default or links
// ❌ Raises a type AND a run-time error
const strList = list(string().optional())
const strList = list(string().hidden())
const strList = list(string().key())
const strList = list(string().default('foo'))



string | undefined

Tags schema values as required (within items or maps). Possible values are:

  • 'atLeastOnce' (default): Required (starting value)
  • 'always': Always required (including updates)
  • 'never': Optional
// Equivalent
const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema)
const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema).required()
const pokeTypesSchema = list(
// Options can be provided as 2nd argument
{ required: 'atLeastOnce' }

// shorthand for `.required('never')`
const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema).optional()
const pokeTypesSchema = list(..., { required: 'never' })


boolean | undefined

Omits schema values during formatting:

const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema).hidden()
const pokeTypesSchema = list(..., { hidden: true })


boolean | undefined

Tags schema values as a primary key attribute or linked to a primary key attribute:

// Note: The method also sets the `required` property to 'always'
// (it is often the case in practice, you can still use `.optional()` if needed)
const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema).key()
const pokeTypesSchema = list(..., {
key: true,
required: 'always'



Renames schema values during the transformation step (within items or maps):

const pokeTypesSchema = list(pokeTypeSchema).savedAs('pt')
const pokeTypesSchema = list(..., { savedAs: 'pt' })



Specifies default values. See Defaults and Links for more details:

const now = () => new Date().toISOString()

const timestampsSchema = list(string())
.default(() => [now()])
.updateDefault(() => $append(now()))
// 👇 Similar to
const timestampsSchema = list(...)
.putDefault(() => [now()])
.updateDefault(() => $append(now()))
// 👇 ...or
const timestampsSchema = list(..., {
putDefault: () => [now()],

☝️ On key attributes, .default(...) should be applied after .key().



Similar to .default(...) but allows deriving the default value from other attributes. See Defaults and Links for more details:

const pokemonSchema = item({
pokeTypeSet: set(pokeTypeSchema)
}).and(prevSchema => ({
pokeTypeList: set(pokeTypeSchema).link<typeof prevSchema>(
// 🙌 Correctly typed!
({ pokeTypeSet }) => [...pokeTypeSet.values()]

☝️ On key attributes, .link(...) should be applied after .key().



Adds custom validation. See Custom Validation for more details:

const nonEmptyListSchema = list(string()).validate(
input => input.length > 0
// 👇 Similar to
const nonEmptyListSchema = list(string()).putValidate(
input => input.length > 0
// 👇 ...or
const nonEmptyListSchema = list(string(), {
putValidator: input => input.length > 0