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Custom Validation

All attribute types support adding custom validation during the parsing step (see the Parser action for more details).

There are three kinds of validators:

  • putValidate: Applied on put actions (e.g. PutItemCommand)
  • updateValidate: Applied on update actions (e.g. UpdateItemCommand)
  • keyValidate: Overrides other validators on key attributes (ignored otherwise)

The validate method is a shorthand that acts as keyValidate on key attributes and putValidate otherwise.


☝️ In order for the .validate(...) shorthand to work properly on key attributes, make sure to use it after calling .key().


A custom validator is a function that takes an input (validated by the schema) and returns a boolean.

For instance, you can make sure that a string attribute has more than 3 characters like this:

const mySchema = schema({
name: string().validate(
// 🙌 Types are correctly inferred!
name => name.length > 3

// ❌ Raises a `parsing.customValidationFailed` error{ name: 'foo' })

In case of invalid value, you can return a string to provide more context through the error message:

const mySchema = schema({
name: string().validate(name =>
name.length > 3 ? true : 'Provide a longer name'
}){ name: 'foo' })
// => ❌ Custom validation for attribute 'name' failed with message: Provide a longer name.

Finally, note that the attribute schema is also passed to the validator:

import type { Attribute } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/attributes'

const validator = (input: unknown, attr: Attribute) => {
... // custom validation here

const mySchema = schema({
name: string().validate(validator)

Recursive Schemas

Validators are a great way to create recursive schemas:

import { Parser } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/actions/parse'

const isValidBulletList = (bulletList: unknown): boolean =>

const bulletListSchema = schema({
title: string(),
subBulletList: any()

Actually, you can improve the performances of this code by instanciating a single Parser:

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let bulletListParser:
| Parser<typeof bulletListSchema>
| undefined

const isValidBulletList = (
bulletList: unknown
): boolean => {
if (bulletListParser === undefined) {
bulletListParser =

return bulletListParser.validate(bulletList)

const bulletListSchema = schema({
title: string(),
subBulletList: any()

In those cases, type inference only works partially as the subBulletList property is inferred as unknown.

However, a slight override of the inferred types gets you there:

import type { FormattedValue } from 'dynamodb-toolbox/schema/actions/format'

// 🙌 Works as intended!
type FormattedBulletList = FormattedValue<
typeof bulletListSchema
> & { subBulletList?: FormattedBulletList }